This program is aimed at those who are currently managing a company (businessmen, managers, middle managers, etc.) or those who are starting or wish to start a business (entrepreneurs).
– Acquire the essential knowledge of how strategies are formed in companies.
– Analyze the strategies and strategic processes developed in the client’s entrepreneurial or business activity.
– Reflect on the client’s entrepreneurial or business activity and, based on this, define the most appropriate strategic processes for its activity and analyze how these processes could be established and promoted.
– Consider a series of recommendations to be taken into account in the strategic processes of the client’s entrepreneurial or business activity.
This consulting program is structured in two parts, in which the following contents and activities are addressed:
1. Acquisition of essential knowledge about strategy and the strategic process:
– Introduction and justification.
– Concept and types of business strategy.
– Concept of strategic process of the company.
– Different forms or typologies that can present the process of strategy formation in a company.
– Aspects that can influence the strategic process of the company.
– Procedure to follow and general recommendations to take into account in order to define, establish and promote the most appropriate strategic processes for a company.
2. Advice on the strategic process in the case of the client’s entrepreneurial or business activity.
– Identification of the realized strategies in the entrepreneurial or business activity, and selection and description of the realized strategies considered as the most relevant.
– Analysis of the strategic processes by which the selected strategies have been formed.
– Evaluation of the context (internal and external aspects) of the proposed activity (entrepreneur) or business activity.
– Definition of the most appropriate strategic processes for the entrepreneurial or business activity, and analysis of how these processes could be established and promoted.
– Consideration of a series of recommendations to be taken into account in the strategic processes of the entrepreneurial or business activity.
The contents and activities described above will be addressed with the help of the following methodologies:
1. Acquisition of the essential knowledge about strategy and the strategic process.
Meeting via videoconference (Zoom, Microsoft Teams,…) in which the contents previously described will be explained and any doubts that may arise in this regard will be solved. During this meeting the activities to be carried out by the client before the next meeting will also be described.
2. Advice on the strategic process in the case of the client’s entrepreneurial or business activity:
– Two to three meetings, by videoconference (Zoom, Microsoft Teams,…) or face-to-face (see Note below).
– Documentation (instruction guide and working document) for the activities to be performed by the client.
– Tutorials as necessary to resolve any doubts that may arise.
– Up to three tutorials within a year after completion of the consulting program, in order to resolve any doubts that may arise later.
Participants in this program will be given access to the English translation of the reference book: “El proceso estratégico de la empresa: Teoría y casos de estudio” (Roch, 2022).
Note: There is an option to hold these meetings in person.
Between one and three months, depending on the personal involvement of the client and the complexity of his or her entrepreneurial or business activity.
If you have any question about this course, or if you are interested in participating in it (in english version), please contact me through the following link: Contact form.